There’s no doubt in any rational person’s mind that the so-called “Affordable” Care Act, commonly known as “ObamaCare” has been a nightmare for many, if not most Americans. Certainly, if you do not qualify for a subsidy and you don’t get insurance through your employer, then you have experienced ever-higher premiums, high deductibles and difficulty in finding, getting and affording medical care.
This website is designed to help you find the best options available, at any time of the year, and in many circumstances. So, don’t give up hope, there are some ways you can get affordable healthcare that are legal and will not subject you to an IRS tax penalty.
So, take a deep breath and we’ll walk you through the options available in April 2017!
Get started
The first question is, about your employment status. Are you
- Employed at a job that offers health insurance plans?
- Self-employed or your employer does not offer health insurance?
- Unemployed?
- Poor ?
- Age 65 or older, disabled or have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)?.
Hi, Can I get insurance after the open enrollment period has ended?
Yes, there are 3 methods: I’m still working on the page about that, but here is a summary:
2 ways through and one off the market:
1. With a Special Enrollment Period. If you experience certain types of life changes — like losing health coverage, getting married, or having a baby — you may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period to enroll in a Marketplace plan for the rest of 2017. See if you qualify. Just answer a few questions.
Start an application. If you already know you qualify, start an application now or log in to an existing account.
Learn about the life events that may qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period. See
2. Through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
You can apply for free or low-cost coverage through Medicaid and CHIP any time, all year. If you qualify, you can enroll immediately.
See if you may qualify for Medicaid and CHIP before you apply. When you visit the page select the second button, answer a few questions, and we’ll tell you if it looks like you may qualify.
Learn how to apply for Medicaid and CHIP.
3. Obtain a short term medical policy (in 3 month increments; you renew it every 3 month) off the market.